Thursday, January 4, 2007

Lab Results

Yesterday we got in some of the lab results from all the tests that were run while John was hosptialized the last time. The expanded newborn screen that tests for metabolic degenerative disease and such came back normal and the acid levels in John's cerebral spinal fluid was also normal. After talking to a couple doctors about this yesterday we understand it to mean that so far they don't know what caused the akinetic seizures and possibly won't ever know, while that's not exactly comforting, it does mean that they can't find one of those devastating things, and that is comforting. John will have a follow-up appointment with the neurologist on the 18th, and we'll find out more then. We also found out that he is a little short on B vitamins, so we're adding another vitamin for him to take, he does great though and now takes all his meds by mouth and willingly!

Best of all, John is doing great, learning more and more every day! Today his OT comes in and it's also the first meeting with the parents as teachers lady. We counted signs a couple days ago and John can do over 60, and over half of those he does spontaneously and appropriately! He's also getting fast enough with 'more please' that you have to be watching to catch the 'more'.

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