Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Happy 1st Anniversary!!

Today is the 1st anniversary of the completion of John's adoption. Of course he didn't seem very impressed with this, but we told him anyway and explained to him that it wasn't really his 1st anniversary of being John Allen Hass because God knew that was his name even before he was conceived, and we knew that was his name 9 days before he was born, and everyone else knew when he was born, so this was the 1st anniversary of the government figuring out what God and all the rest of us already knew. He didn't seem very impressed with that either, but it's our story and we're sticking to it.

He's still not feeling the greatest from this viral respiratory infection and he has ever so graciously passed it along to his parents who aren't feeling so well either. But he did eat for us again today, hamburger, not fries, not hamburger bun, just hamburger and now! We're hoping that he feels enough better tomorrow that we don't have to call off his physical therapy on Thursday, but that remains to be seen. For the moment we know that he feels good enough to demand some hamburger and to throw his toys in the floor and even make what I'm sure was disparaging remarks to the dogs. For the moment he is sleeping pretty well and storing up that energy for some silliness tomorrow.

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