Monday, May 29, 2006

You can't hold your donut and clap at the same time

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John's day has been adventurous but all at home for this memorial day. John woke up early this morning puking and having some tummy trouble. The episode passed quickly and there wasn't a great volume of output, but he was reluctant to go back to sleep in his own bed. He got to sleep in the middle for a little bit, not that mom or dad got much sleep. When we were all ready to go this morning John immediately wanted to get into the gait trainer. He stayed in it until breakfast was ready, sat in his chair and ate well for us, and wanted to go back into it. He stayed in His gait trainer until he was ready to go down for his nap. After His nap he wanted to play with dad and much fun was had by all. For dinner John had applesauce while mom and dad ate something too spicy for him.

Dinner time was the big fun for the day. John will eat for us, but on his own terms and conditions. He will only take a bite from one of us if we are both holding his hands. This is a case of reaping what you sow. John has gotten active enough that when he doesn't want to take a bite he will grab, bat, and push the hand, spoon or fork until the bite is lost or the parent gives up. To which we responded by holding his hands and he would then take a bite. Now he laughs and holds out his hands whenever we want him to take a bite.

He ate well for us. After dinner we had some donuts that were leftover from church yesterday and we put the donut on the tray for him and he picked it up, tore it apart, and fed a good portion of it to himself. Whenever he would feed himslf he would smile real big and try to clap for himself, but found that he couldn't for the handful of donut that he wouldn't let go of. He has also gotten into the habit of playing with his hair lately, so now whenever he makes a mess while eating it has become more extensive.

This evening has been a little interesting. He went to bed fussy and had some trouble going to sleep. He has woken up twice already. Once because he was hungry and needed a bite before going to sleep. The second time because he needed to be changed. He wanted to stay up the last time, asked for his ears, and reached for some books on his shelf. Of course he was put back to bed. He hollered for maybe a minute and then went back to sleep. Hopefully he will stay that way, though there are noises coming from his room that indicate otherwise.

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