Thursday, May 11, 2006

A Day of Advances

For the first time we decided this morning not to put John in his support chair to play as we got breakfast ready. We let him sit by himself, unsupported and playing with his easter basket of toys, in the middle of the kitchen floor while mommy and daddy worked around him. It was an unqualified success. He sat up the whole time and played and watched us and was very cooperative when taking his morning meds. He also ate very well for breakfast eating an entire small bowl of breakfast fried rice. He also did well throughout the morning sitting up independently on the counter, floor, or bed. He went down to nap a little after noon without any toddler terrors.

He did not get much sleep though, because his PT Shawna showed up a little early and even though he gave mom the 'do I hafta get up' look, he was rarin' to go by the time he was dressed and had his shoes on. Shawna was very impressed and was excited to see what advances in standing and endurance he had made. She is confident that John will no longer need the gait trainer before he comes close to growing out of it. There were a couple of cute moments during therapy. Shawna and mommy were blowing bubbles to big smiles from John, who was also reaching out repeatedly to pop the bubbles that he could reach. Usually when he has gait trainer time he gets to go outside, but today the weather was so cold and wet that it was no good for going outside. After he was in his gait trainer he kept looking at mommy and Shawna and looking outside and back at them and outside and when he got that he wasn't getting to go out he was a little disappointed.

Even so he was very good in therapy and very good for the rest of his day. During dinner this evening he did definitely display some toddler tendencies. He would gladly eat off the french fry that daddy would hold for him, but not from mommy. He enjoyed painting his tray with ketchup using every fry he was given, but he would not eat any fry that had ketchup on it. We have laid him down to sleep and he has not fussed at all. What a wonderful boy. What an incredible joy.

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