Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Grandpa Would Be So Proud



When I was a little girl I loved doing anything that my dad was doing and it didn't matter if other little girls would have thought it was gross or not. I used to hold rabbits up for him to gut, helped him skin out and butcher our pet deer that got out of hand and shot my first rabbit before I was 10 - I also learned that I'm not a hunter, I just have no patience, but anyway. Mark was able to go to the milk-lady's and kill baby goats for them and procure good meat for us at a decent price. When he brought the carcasses home and it was time to butcher John never hesitated, never once acted like it was ookie or that there was anything that he needed to do other than jump right in and help. We are so proud of our little boy and my dad would have been too!

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