Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Comforting Words

Losing someone you love is never easy, miscarriage is hard on so many fronts and words of comfort are often foolish like 'oh your baby is an angel now' or misplaced 'oh well you can try harder next time', 'I guess it just wasn't meant to be'. There are real words of comfort from friends and family who have been there before, there is even real comfort from friends and family who haven't and yet know that you hurt and want to help even though there just are no good words to say. Rarely is there comfort from sound theological places, but I know many many women who have traveled these tear filled roads and more who have had friends that did and don't know what to say. Here is a link to Pastor Harrison's blog today, for me I'm going to print it out and stick it in my purse, then maybe on day's like yesterday I will reread it and not find myself so low.

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