Wednesday, January 11, 2012

He Remembers the Barren

He Remembers the Barren, a book written to the heart of women dealing with fertility issues. Actually it goes farther than that, I have just finished it and would recommend it to anyone who has or has known someone who has dealt with any fertility issues whatsoever, miscarriage or just discontentment in a situation that is out of their control. Rarely have I read a book that I would recommend without some reservations, especially on this topic, but here is Christ's peace and grace spoken clearly and gently to souls in pain. I thought that I had pretty much exorcised my demons over infertility but this book has helped me find a peace that I didn't even realize I needed or could have. Thank you Katie Schuermann and Melissa DeGroot, I am now putting this book in my husband's hands and next will be ordering copies for others whom I know and love and 1 to stick in my purse for the day that I run into someone else who needs it.

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