Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Alas, Pictures


Gotta love that monkey! I hadn't realized that I had pictures in the camera, this is from before John got sick 2 times a go.


As is this one. John loves, loves, loves to play in the sink. He's fallen out of his chair doing this once, but still he doesn't care, he just loves to play with the water and whatever spoons or pans or glasses he can reach.


This is a few days before he got sick this last time. He is helping dad, by which I mean that dad is trying to figure out why the refrigerator is blowing hot air and every time that dad really gets busy in there John turns on the vacuum cleaner to help him ;)


This is from today. One of John's other favorite things to do is blow fire, we are now on our second or third box of birthday candles, he only gets to do this with dad and he was very determined that my picture taking didn't interfere with that.


We have actually seen John's eye hand coordination get better and his hand steadiness improve with this, might as well learn something in a fun way when you can.


And lastly for the day, a playdoh head. In the hospital John loved for me to make hats and masks and such out of playdoh for him tigers and so today I made one for him and then he needed a picture taken of it. He's so silly!


Michelle said...

We're so glad you are home. I love the pictures! We have been keeping you in our daily prayers, so I love to show the girls these pictures so that they can see who we are praying for. My middle daughter likes those red hearing aids (she has pink molds with silver stars and a yellow ear gear cover on the hearing aid casings). My oldest daughter can relate to those IVs - she remembers even though she was only 3 when she was in the hospital!

Gina said...

Thanks Michelle and thanks to your girls too! Those sound like really cool hearing aids, John is always fascinated to see other kids with hearing aids. Those IV's hurt, I'm so glad we are done with them for today.