Saturday, February 5, 2011

Fresh Lemon and Nutmeg

John is back out of the PICU, with a new chest tube in place and doing fine. He's working on standing up again, has actually accomplished it twice and is navigating the Wii Mario Kart menus like a champ even if he can't drive well yet. Bad things could always happen but right now, with the exception of being weak and recovering strength still, and this blasted pleural effusion John is healthier than he's ever been in his whole life. News like that lets my head wander home occasionally and last night I was thinking that of the things I miss it's the smell of fresh lemon and freshly ground nutmeg that I keep looking for and not finding here. Home is starting to be a real place to me again, it's full of the smells of home cooked food, fresh garlic, dog hair that floats off the dog and dust that accumulates no matter what I do to stop it. There are orange walls, books everywhere, and the most comfortable bed in the world. Trees that have been trimmed that I've not seen but I'm sure there are lots of their leaves laying around. A crack in one window, a pane missing in the garage and a heart and rose stained glass piece that my sweetheart brought me years ago. Singing the HS'98 Divine Service with the Irish tune, communion from my dear husbands hand weekly, people who have prayed for us and who are also eager to see John healthy too. I was afraid that all these thoughts of home would make me home sick, I remember that feeling when we had been at Grandma's for several weeks and were still a week out from mom and dad coming to get us, but thankfully it hasn't done that. I am content to be right here with John, I couldn't be anywhere else, but I do look forward to when we can both go home together and maybe I'll pick up a good French cookbook at the library just to peruse while I wait because of all things I'm just really wanting to cook something, something good.

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