Sunday, January 31, 2010

Of Boats and Butts

Life as a mom is full of some of the wildest moments, things that seem to be in contradiction but really are just life...
...during Mark's sermon this morning on Jonah and Christ stilling the storm Mark had many good things to say, but when he said that in both stories we see that no matter the wildness of the storm or the fear of the people that the boat does not sink, that in our lives Christ is the boat, that the winds and storms of life may be pushing us and driving us to places that we don't want to go, places that we are scared that we won't make it through, yet Christ Himself is the boat that carries us through the winds and storms of life safely, I had to get out my pen and paper because I was not forgetting those words that I so needed to hear, of course...
...I had to get my hand loose from John who had been systematically taking my finger and making it touch every butt on every animal in Brown Bear Brown Bear and then touching his butt, we touched a few tongues and I got licked a couple times, but mostly it was just butts... the end it is so much like all of life and as long as I live I will never forget the Sunday of Boats and Butts ;)

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