Thursday, April 14, 2005

The Long Good Friday

John's snarky nose was worse this morning when he got up and he had started to run a fever too. He did play, smile and carry on until about the time that Desiree, his occupational therapist, came and then he was starting to feel worse again, the tylenol was wearing off. He did cooperate with her a little bit, she is a sweet lady who knew that he wasn't feeling too well so instead of pushing him too hard she cuddled and visited with him and he rewarded her care and concern with some smiles and 'sweet talk.' She is coming back on Tuesday, we are hoping that he is up to a little more work then, but thankful for even his good humor today.

When our little sweetie got up from his nap his fever was 38.4 C and so we called the pediatrician and his advice was to take him to the ER. Not very often do we go to the ER and come home without hospitalizaton but today was one of those blessed days. John and I stayed at the ER while Mark went to St. Paul's, the country parish, for the Good Friday Tenebrae service. While he was gone we found out that John didn't have RSV, the flu or strep - HOORAY! All his labs and x-rays look like an upper respiratory infection and so we are home for lots of fluids, rest and some tylenol and motrin to alleviate the symptoms.

Even after all the long day of it, he was smiling and playing before we put him to bed. We've not seen him this easy to make smile while he was sick and so have high hopes of it passing soon. He's doing well and even holding his own hydration wise. One more night we are thankful that our precious pumpkin is sleeping in his own bed and for this night we pray that he feels better and stronger tomorrow.

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