Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving in All Things

Happy Thanksgiving! We greet this day with Mark on call at Lutheran Senior Services for the day and into the late evening and John and I hanging out at home because John's cold, while improving, is still too intense to go hang around with other people. Still there is so much to be thankful for... ...Christ who died and rose again to save us from our sins, who each day provides that which we need and who has promised that we can never be taken from His hand. ...a church where John can see Christ's Word of forgiveness in his own language, where we can learn and grow and where we are surrounded by people who love us and want to help us help John grow into his language and culture. who loves us and supports us, no matter the miles we know that we are close to their hearts and they to ours. ...friends both near and far who bring us joy, a sense of belonging and help us through the journey of this life. ...thorns, yes, I said thorns and yet those things that seemed to be thorns in the beginning are turning out to be blessings and make us realize that God's ways are not our ways, but in all things He works out for our good those things around us. The gluten/wheat sensitivity issues that Mark and I have led us instantly to an introduction to a new friend and open doors to help us help others when they find that they have these type issues too. John's deafness has led us both to a new church where we all feel at home and to a new culture and language that we had an inkling of before but here we find blooming all around us and the beauty of it just amazes us. John's health issues have opened doors for us to tell others of the love of Christ and the care of people who want to actually help. ...we are thankful to be here in St. Louis, to be together, to constantly have our eyes pointed back to Christ and to know that it is our life in Him that gives us true life here amongst our neighbors, our family, our friends.


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

This picture is hilarious! Love it.

Anonymous said...

Huh two thing's: a) THEY of whether globalist's, etc or TOP - down globally deem cluelessly that > 1) Satan started this nevertheless 70 century - to date Holy War against God, 2) Adam FIRST, NOT Eve, sinned & then Eve of course but old men long ago changing writing's would have any & all believe otherwise, & SO . . . what then? Satan wins? YEAH, NOT! THINK AGAIN!

And THEN, there's this > THEY of globalist's, etc TOP - down, globally are gonna take out ALL humanity IN, whether clueless or on purpose, accordance WITH this Holy War that Satan solely started against God 70 centuries ago, (voluntary & NON-voluntary suicide / murder, just so Satan can apparently SPITE God that & with, "LOOK AT THEM ALL, THEIR ALL GONE, THEIR (were) SUPPOSE TO HAVE BEEN YOUR / YOU'RE PRIDE & JOY . . ."

And plus there's then the > THEIR really not doing - all that they have done & do - do for really no reason, THEIR really just doing it to pass the tick tock 'time' . . .

And worth noting, when Satan got defeated in the desert amidst Jesus's testing, Satan just deemed, "Fine, I'll just go after Jesus's next best thing, HIS Little One's (children / kid's) THROUGH the adult's.

God gave us all each - embedded within all we'd ever need to self denyingly Holy Warrior rise up & represent Holy Trinity, as we were created to solely do so & THAT of care take of each & Earth, NOTHING off, EVER! THIS PLANET, Earth! It's like One who goes after dessert before eating the main meal or like human evil weed's overtaking the garden that is all else . . . PONDER THAT!

Globalist's, misc aren't really doing what they plan on, their really just passing the time, evil - senselessly, & their talk of reducing 7 billion plus down to 500 million, huh, OH don't think it'll stop there, oh no, just so Satan who solely started this Holy War against God, can eventually 'spite' God with eventually exhibited all human eventually narrowed down & killed, like Satan's timeless laughing off it's ass at us (having put on a clueless humor show for that beast) & deeming to God, "LOOK AT THEM ALL, YOUR SO-CALLED PRIDE & JOY, THEIR SUPPOSE TO REPRESENT YOU?!"

Huh, LISTEN . . . to our fellow human Brother, just another Son of Adam & Eve, Steven Frederic Seagal's word's very carefully & TAKE IT TO HEART!

Author: Paul L. Williams -

Los Angeles County (California, USA), 88 cities & 20 + year's = vast dead & killed fellow homeless human's. And check out:

Huh, TRY THIS on for size per / via you're brain = global extermination by 2025, & whom (TOP Power deem that 9-1-1 was JUST a TEST, to see just how the global masses would react & respond.

Deborah Tavares, (she lives in Sonoma County - Northern California), & is a activist with a research team – Email:,, Her website:, YOU local – global humanity NEED to SERIOUS listen to, because ceasing of humanity is Coming, please & SHARE it! Or you can hear it here >